
Ručni kolorimetar za određivanje ukupnog hlora Checker® (ultra niski opseg)HC - HI761

8.073,00 RSD
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Gain accurate water testing results with our simple handheld colorimeter. Our ultra low range total chlorine colorimeter brings you more precise technology from your typical chemical test kit. Eliminate the struggle of determining colors visually, our handheld colorimeter provides a direct total chlorine result digitally.

  • Our portable handheld colorimeter fits perfectly in your pocket.
  • Easy, one-button operation makes getting your total chlorine results simple.
  • Quickly get your results without using a color chart.
The HI761 Checker® HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost-effective way to measure total chlorine. Chlorine is a popular disinfectant used in municipal water, fruits, and vegetables, as well as equipment in the food and beverage industry. Though beneficial in destroying pathogens, levels greater than 4 parts per million (ppm) is harmful to humans and therefore, must be monitored. Designed as a more accurate alternative to chemical test kits, the HI761 provides quick, accurate results in a few easy steps.





Ukupni hlor Opseg

0 do 500 ppb


1 ppb


±5 ppb ±5% očitanja


Adaptacija USEPA 330.5, DPD metod.

Tip baterije

1.5V AAA / 10,000 h kontinuirane upotrebe


0 do 50°C (32 do 122°F); RH max 95%


nakon 10 minuta neupotrebe

Izvor svetlosti

LED @ 525 nm

Detektor svetlosti

Silikonska fotoćelija


86.0 x 61.0 x 37.5 mm (3.4 x 2.4 x 1.5”)


64 g (6.91 oz.)

Informacije o isporuci

HI761 Checker® se isporučuje sa (2) kivetama za uzorke sa kapama, starter setom (6 paketa reagensa u prahu), baterijom i uputsvom za upotrebu.

Sve cene su bez PDV-a i bez troškova isporuke, osim ako nije drugačije navedeno. Hanna Instruments d.o.o. — Milana Kašanina 2 — 11000 Beograd (Srbija ) — ID PDV-a 108788882 © 2022 Sva prava zadržana